Crooked teeth are the symptom. We treat the cause!

Toothpillow addresses the underdeveloped jaw early on to provide proper jaw growth and development, giving your child's teeth the opportunity to come in where they belong and potentially avoid braces and other health issues altogether.

Is your child experiencing any of these symptoms?

Many health problems can be linked to poor jaw development. Pick a symptom to learn from industry-leading airway dentists on how Toothpillow can help.

Our jaws are shrinking!
Your child’s face and jaw development determines everything from proper airway volume to the position and alignment of their teeth—even their facial beauty!

Scientists have found that our modern lifestyles and processed diets have altered our gene expression, resulting in smaller jaws. This is a serious concern because it impacts our ability to breathe and sleep correctly, causing a multitude of other issues!
the cause & symptoms
SDB (Sleep Disordered Breathing)
Our smaller jaws impact our airway development, which can lead to a wide variety of other symptoms and health issues.

Dentists can—and do!—play an essential role in caring for patients with certain sleep-related breathing disorders (SRBD), and they are well-positioned to identify patients at greater risk 
of SRBD. These disorders can be caused by many different things and are treated most successfully when dentists and medical professionals 
work together.
the prevalence
Who does it affect?
A recent study found that up to 93% of kids have malocclusion (crooked teeth), which is a visual sign of the underdeveloped jaws that cause possible breathing issues.

In children, a dentist’s recognition of poor jaw or facial development (or other risk factors) early on may lead to a medical referral or intervention to treat and/or prevent SRBD. Because these issues are often related to smaller jaws and mouth breathing, it’s critical to train patients to shift to nasal breathing instead.
the solution
The Toothpillow System
The Toothpillow System is a preventative, pre-orthodontic method that corrects and supports proper jaw development, promoting nasal breathing and preventing—even fixing—dozens of health problems down the road. It gets to the root causes of misaligned teeth, often without the need for braces or tooth extraction.

This treatment is most effective for children between the ages of 3 and 12, and involves wearing removable appliances inside the mouth for 1-2 hours during the day and overnight while sleeping. These appliances help guide natural growth and development, mitigating the detrimental effects of modern living on their mouths, jaws, and airways.

The Toothpillow Appliance

Toothpillow aims to address the root cause of orthodontic issues by targeting poor oral habits. The guide teaches children to breathe through their nose, properly position their tongue on the roof of their mouth, and encourages the natural growth of their jaws to their full potential. As a result, this treatment creates adequate space for teeth to grow in straight, reducing the need for braces.

*Appliances differ by color and are based on age and symptoms

What our patients say

“Overall its been really cool to see he’s had a lot less outbursts, and when he falls asleep he stays asleep. He’s able to calm himself down a lot easier and can self-regulate more. The ADHD-type symptoms have decreased significantly! It’s really neat to see his brain is changing. He also now has a beautiful smile!”

Brittney, Toothpillow Parent

“Phoebe is doing so well, better than I could have hoped! It's become total second nature for her to pop her Toothpillow in at bedtime. I wanted to give an update ona few things I've already noticed: her tonsils are less red and less swollen, she's less restless while she sleeps, she snores much less and it's much less intense when she does, and she's only had one APNEA episode since starting! I'm SO happy with the progress we've made in only ten days! Just wanted to share our joy!”

Toothpillow Parent

“We are so incredibly pleased and impressed with the improvement Hope has had in just about 2 months! We’ve even had people tell us they see improvement (parents of her friends who knew we were doing something). When you put photos side by side it really solidifies it. Her gums even look healthier! By a lot!!”

Toothpillow Parent

“We are thrilled with the three month progress of our 8-year old son... He wakes up such a happier kid and we can now say he is a morning person with SO much more energy!
So incredibly happy to be a part of this.”

Toothpillow Parent

“I have been AMAZED at how much this has helped my kiddo. To know he has a team of Doctors now, wanting to help him after years of our struggles - it makes me really happy to have found this company.”

Toothpillow Parent

“My 6 year old grinds so badly! I’m so thankful for Toothpillow because she wears it every night & no more grinding. I never realized how big of a deal that was.”

Toothpillow Parent

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Learn more about how Toothpillow can help
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